Associate Producer - HBO ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION. A mini-series directed by acclaimed film director Robert Altman, written by American cartoonist Garry Trudeau. Supervised location scouting, script revisions & post-production scheduling. Worked as liaison between director Robert Altman & writer Garry Trudeau
Assistant Production Manager - UNIVERSAL PICTURES. New York, NY. An American crime drama television series, starring Edward Woodward. Formation for show budgets, post-production scheduling, hiring of manpower , equipment and facilities. Organized and disbursed company monies
Director of Programming - TIME WARNER ENTERPRISES hired by MTV creator Bob Pittman. Acquired programming for 7 parks Negotiated contracts with companies for programming. Executed the writing of contracts for Six Flags Theme Parks legal department. Produced 42 in-park commercial spots for Six Flags TV.
Executive Producer - ARTS MEDIA INTERNATIONAL, Inc. German based company in NYC. Developed, produced & acquired programming for European television companies ZDF and RTL. Evaluated independent film & television projects for European financing.
Production Associate - ABC RYAN'S HOPE. Coordinated incoming and outgoing outlines & scripts. Viewed show tapes for continuity. Assisted in all aspects of studio production & office management.